Understanding Your Skin Type
Skin typing determines the amount of natural protection against ultraviolet light and affects the tanning process.
Dermatologists categorise people into 6 different skin types, ranging from lightest to darkest.
Knowing your skin type helps prevent burns, brown spots, and color fading. You can figure out your skin type by using the Fitzpatrick Scale.
Skin Type 1: usually very white or pale, blue or green eyes, red hair, and many freckles; burns easily and tans with difficulty.
Skin Type 2: light beige skin, blue or green eyes, blonde or light brown hair, and maybe freckles; tends to burn and tans with care.
Skin Types and Safe Tanning Practices
This table outlines the key aspects of skin types, preparation for tanning sessions, and tips for achieving and maintaining a healthy tan while minimising risks.
Fitzpatrick Skin Types and Characteristics
This table highlights the different skin types based on the Fitzpatrick Scale and their tanning tendencies.
Preparing for Tanning Sessions at a Tanning Salon
To maximise tanning during a sunbed session, it’s essential to know your skin type and adjust tanning times accordingly.
Tanning salons offer different types of sunbeds, including low pressure beds, high pressure beds, and booths.
Use a good tan accelerator to stimulate skin to tan faster and produce a deeper, longer-lasting tan.
Top tip - Opt for a tan accelerator that contains Tyrosine and Carrot oil like the Supre Tan Go To Black Dark Maximizer, to help you achieve a tan quicker without the use of excessive UV exposure.
Skin care is vital before and after tanning, including moisturising and protecting skin from UV rays.
Tanning Sessions and Frequency
The average person can develop a base tan in 3-5 sunbed sessions, which can be maintained with regular use.
We recommend, two sunbed sessions a week can deepen a tan in a safe and gentle manner, with a minimum 72-hour break between sessions.
Leave at least 72 hours between each sunbed session to allow skin to rest and regenerate.
The number of sessions needed to develop a golden tan depends on skin type and whether you’re using tanning accelerators.
Tanning Session Guidelines
This table provides a breakdown of safe tanning practices, session frequency, and recommended wait times.
Wait Time Between Sessions for Safe Tanning
Although you may see immediate colour after tanning, it can take at least 24 hours for the to skin to properly develop a full tan. Wait at least 4 hours to shower to allow tan accelerators to fully absorb into the skin.
We recommend to leave at least 72 hours between sunbed sessions with 48 hours as a minimum to avoid burning or brown spots.
The tanning process doesn’t stop after your tanning session, so give your skin downtime to develop colour.
Waiting the recommended time between sessions helps prevent skin cancer and promotes safe tanning.
Achieving and Maintaining Brown Skin
Brown skin, dark brown hair, and eyes rarely burn and tan very easily.
Olive skin, dark brown eyes, and hair sometimes burn and tan easily.
Light brown skin, brown eyes, and hair sometimes burn but always tan.
To maintain brown skin, use a tan extender to keep your skin hydrated for future tanning sessions and prolong your tan.
Choosing the Right Tanning Bed for Your Skin Type
There are three types of sunbeds: low pressure beds, high pressure beds, and booths.
Low pressure beds emit UV rays similar to natural sunlight, but are higher risk for sunburn.
High pressure beds emit more UVA rays, producing a deeper, longer-lasting tan.
Booths are vertical tanning beds that allow for more flexibility and even tanning.
Choosing the Right Tanning Bed
This table explains the differences between tanning bed types and their suitability.
Extending the Life of Your Light Brown Skin
Moisturise your skin after your tanning session to keep your tan for longer.
Use a tan extender to keep your skin hydrated for future tanning sessions.
Avoid washing off your tanning products immediately after your tanning session to allow the lotion/oil to fully absorb into your skin.
Drink plenty of water before and after your tan session to keep the skin feeling and looking healthy.
Use a cooling Aloe Vera gel to soothe and cool skin after tanning.
Post-Tanning Care Tips This table outlines essential skincare practices to extend your tan and maintain healthy skin.
Safe tanning requires understanding your skin type, preparing for tanning sessions, and waiting the recommended time between sessions.
By following these guidelines, you can achieve and maintain brown skin, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and promote healthy and safe tanning practices.