
The Comprehensive Guide to Tan Accelerators: Achieving the Perfect Glow

The Comprehensive Guide to Tan Accelerators: Achieving the Perfect Glow

Table of Contents

Introduction and Basics of Tanning

The allure of a sun-kissed tan has been a coveted beauty standard for years. From bronze goddesses on the beach to sun-soaked holidays in the Mediterranean, the desire to achieve the perfect tan is almost universal. But with the known risks of prolonged sun exposure, many are turning to safer alternatives. Enter tan accelerators. But the question on everyone's lips is: do tanning accelerators actually work?

Understanding the Science of Tanning

Before we delve into the specifics of tan accelerators, it's crucial to understand the basics of tanning. Our skin tans due to the production of a pigment called melanin. When our skin is exposed to UV rays, melanin production is triggered, which in turn darkens the skin, giving it that tanned appearance.

But why does our skin produce melanin?

  • Natural Protection: Melanin acts as a natural sunscreen, absorbing harmful UV rays and protecting our skin from damage.
  • Response to Damage: Ironically, a tan is essentially a sign that the skin has been damaged and is trying to protect itself from further harm.

What Role Do Tan Accelerators Play?

Tan accelerators claim to speed up this melanin production process, allowing you to achieve a deeper tan in a shorter amount of time.

  • Tyrosine Boost: Many tan accelerators contain the amino acid tyrosine, a precursor to melanin. By providing the skin with extra tyrosine, these products aim to enhance the skin's natural tanning response.
  • Moisturisation: Hydrated skin tans better. Most tan accelerators also act as moisturisers, ensuring that the skin remains supple and receptive to tanning.

But with so many myths and misconceptions surrounding tanning and tan accelerators, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of tan accelerators, exploring their effectiveness, safety, and much more. We'll also spotlight some of the top products available at Megatan, ensuring you're well-equipped to achieve that dreamy golden glow.

Stay Tuned for More!

In the upcoming sections, we'll be diving deeper into the specifics of tan accelerators, from their ingredients to user testimonials. We'll also provide essential tips for achieving the best results, ensuring your tanning journey is both safe and effective.

Key Ingredients in Tan Accelerators

The Magic Behind the Bottle

While the allure of a deep, golden tan is tempting, it's essential to understand what you're putting on your skin. Tan accelerators aren't just random concoctions; they're formulated with specific ingredients designed to boost the skin's natural tanning process. Let's explore some of these key ingredients.

1. Tyrosine

As mentioned in part 1, tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that plays a pivotal role in melanin production.

  • Role in Tanning: Tyrosine is a precursor to melanin. By providing the skin with an external source of tyrosine, tan accelerators aim to speed up the melanin production process, thus enhancing the tanning response.
  • Safety: Tyrosine is naturally present in our bodies and in many foods we consume. When used in tan accelerators, it's generally considered safe. However, as with any product, it's crucial to follow the recommended usage guidelines.

2. Moisturising Agents

Hydrated skin tans more effectively than dry skin. Therefore, many tan accelerators include moisturising ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, and coconut oil.

  • Role in Tanning: By keeping the skin moisturised, these ingredients ensure that the skin remains supple and receptive to tanning.
  • Added Benefits: Beyond aiding the tanning process, these moisturising agents provide additional skincare benefits, such as reducing dryness, soothing irritated skin, and providing essential nourishment.

3. Bronzers

Some tan accelerators come with built-in bronzers that give the skin an immediate sun-kissed glow.

  • Immediate vs. Long-Term Results: While the tan accelerator ingredients work to enhance the skin's natural tanning response over time, bronzers provide an immediate tan-like appearance. This is especially helpful for those looking for quick results, such as for an event or special occasion.
  • Types of Bronzers: There are various types of bronzers, from natural caramel and walnut extracts to DHA-based bronzers, which react with the skin's proteins to produce a tan-like colour.

4. SPF (Sun Protection Factor)

While not common in all tan accelerators, some products do incorporate SPF to provide some level of sun protection.

  • Role in Tanning: While the primary purpose of tan accelerators is to enhance the tanning process, it's crucial to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Products with built-in SPF offer a two-in-one solution.
  • Importance: It's essential to note that if your chosen tan accelerator doesn't contain SPF, you should apply sunscreen separately to ensure skin protection.

Understanding the ingredients in your tan accelerator is crucial. Not only does it ensure you're making an informed choice, but it also helps you get the most out of the product. In the next section, we'll explore how to use tan accelerators effectively and discuss some common dos and don'ts.

How to Use Tan Accelerators Effectively

Achieving the Perfect Tan: More than Just Slathering On

While tan accelerators promise a deeper, more long-lasting tan, there's an art to using them. To get the best results, you need more than just the right product; you need the right technique.

1. Pre-Tan Preparation

Before even thinking about applying your tan accelerator, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure your skin is ready:

  • Exfoliation: This is crucial. By removing dead skin cells, you ensure a smoother canvas for your tan, which can result in a more even tan.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water. Hydrated skin tans better, so make sure you're well-hydrated inside and out.

2. Application

The way you apply your tan accelerator can make a world of difference:

  • Even Application: Ensure you apply the product evenly to avoid streaks or patches.
  • Less is More: It's always better to start with a small amount and add more if needed. This prevents over-application and wastage.
  • Rub it in Well: Make sure the product is fully absorbed into your skin. This ensures maximum effectiveness and reduces the risk of it rubbing off on clothing.

3. Timing

When should you apply your tan accelerator for optimal results?

  • Before Sun Exposure: If you're using the accelerator outdoors, apply it 10-15 minutes before sun exposure to allow it to absorb fully.
  • Before a Tanning Session: If using a sunbed, apply the accelerator before your session.

4. Post-Tan Care

Aftercare is just as essential as the tan itself:

  • Moisturise Regularly: This helps prolong your tan and keeps your skin healthy.
  • Avoid Excessive Exfoliation: While regular exfoliation is good, doing it too often after tanning can fade your tan faster.

5. Safety First

While tan accelerators can enhance your tan, it's essential to remember the importance of sun safety:

  • Always Use Sunscreen: Even if your tan accelerator contains SPF, it's a good idea to use additional sunscreen to ensure adequate protection.
  • Limit Sun Exposure: Even with protection, prolonged sun exposure can be harmful. It's always a good idea to limit your time in the sun and avoid peak UV times.

Using a tan accelerator effectively is a combination of choosing the right product, applying it correctly, and taking care of your skin both before and after tanning. With the right approach, you can achieve a beautiful, radiant tan while ensuring your skin remains healthy.

Spotlight on Megatan's Top Tan Accelerators

Discovering Megatan's Premium Range

Megatan is renowned for offering a curated selection of top-notch tan accelerators. Each product is uniquely formulated to cater to different tanning needs and preferences. Let's explore some of these star products.

1. Devoted Creations Collagenetics 2 in 1 Pro

Devoted Creations Collagenetics 2 in 1 Pro Bottle

Discover the product here

Features and Benefits:

  • Dual Action: As the name suggests, this product not only accelerates your tan but also offers skincare benefits. It's infused with collagen, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • For the Skin-Conscious Tanners: If you're looking to achieve a golden tan while also taking care of your skin's health, this is the product for you.

2. Devoted Creations H.I.M. Energy

Devoted Creations H.I.M. Energy Bottle

Unearth the energy here

Features and Benefits:

  • Designed for Men: Tailored to meet the unique skincare needs of men, this product ensures a deep and long-lasting tan.
  • Refreshing Scent: Unlike some tanning products that can have a distinct smell, H.I.M. Energy boasts a fresh and masculine scent.

3. Devoted Creations Prismatica

Devoted Creations Prismatica Bottle

Dive into the Prism here

Features and Benefits:

  • Multi-Dimensional Tan: If you're after a tan that has depth and shines from every angle, Prismatica is your go-to product.
  • Hydrating Formula: Ensures your skin remains moisturised, paving the way for a smooth and even tan.

4. Devoted Creations Moroccan Midnight

Devoted Creations Moroccan Midnight Bottle

Experience Moroccan nights here

Features and Benefits:

  • Deep and Rich: Perfect for those seeking a tan reminiscent of a night under Moroccan skies.
  • Infused with Argan Oil: Known as 'liquid gold', Argan oil moisturises the skin, ensuring it's soft and radiant.

Why Choose Megatan's Products?

Megatan is not just another online tanning store. Here's what sets them apart:

  • Quality Assured: Each product is curated, ensuring top-notch quality and effectiveness.
  • Diverse Range: Catering to various tanning needs, whether you have fair skin, sensitive skin, or are looking for an accelerator with SPF.
  • Expert Guidance: Need help choosing the right product? Megatan's team of experts is always on hand to guide you.

When it comes to achieving the perfect tan, the product you choose plays a pivotal role. With Megatan's curated range of tan accelerators, you're not just getting a product; you're investing in a tanning experience.

Debunking Myths about Tan Accelerators

Separating Fact from Fiction

In the world of beauty and skincare, myths abound. Tan accelerators, being a niche product, are no exception. Let's sift through the misinformation and set the record straight.

Myth 1: Tan Accelerators Offer Sufficient Sun Protection

Many people mistakenly believe that because they're using a tan accelerator, they're shielded from the harmful effects of UV rays.


  • While some tan accelerators may contain SPF, it's often not enough to offer comprehensive protection, especially during prolonged sun exposure. Always pair your accelerator with a high-quality sunscreen.

Myth 2: A Tan Accelerator Will Prevent Sunburn

There's a misconception that using a tan accelerator will prevent sunburn entirely.


  • Tan accelerators enhance melanin production, but this doesn't make you immune to sunburn. It's crucial to monitor sun exposure and protect your skin accordingly.

Myth 3: The Effects are Immediate

Some believe that once you apply a tan accelerator, you'll see instant results.


  • While some products might contain bronzers that give an immediate tan-like appearance, the actual deepening of your natural tan (due to increased melanin production) takes time.

Myth 4: Tan Accelerators are Only for Fair-Skinned Individuals

There's a notion that tan accelerators are only beneficial for those with fair skin.


  • While individuals with fair skin might see more noticeable results, tan accelerators can be used by people of all skin tones to enhance and prolong their tan.

Myth 5: All Tan Accelerators are the Same

With so many products on the market, it's easy to assume they all offer the same benefits.


  • Different products have varied formulations. Some might be more moisturising, while others focus on deepening the tan. It's essential to choose a product that aligns with your specific needs.

Why It's Important to Debunk These Myths

Misinformation can lead to improper use of products, which can, in turn, result in less-than-ideal outcomes or even skin damage. By understanding the truths about tan accelerators:

  • Users can make informed decisions.
  • The risk of sunburn and skin damage is reduced.
  • Expectations are set realistically, leading to greater satisfaction with the products.

Tan accelerators, when used correctly, can be a fantastic addition to your tanning routine. However, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction to ensure you're using them safely and effectively.

Real Users, Real Experiences: Testimonials on Tan Accelerators

Hearing from the Tanning Community

There's no better way to understand the effectiveness and benefits of a product than hearing from those who've tried and tested it. Let's explore some real testimonials from Megatan customers.

1. Sarah, London

Product Used: Devoted Creations CEGlow

Testimonial: "I've always struggled with tanning due to my fair skin. But with CEGlow, not only did I achieve a deeper tan, but my skin also felt incredibly hydrated. It's now my go-to product for every beach holiday!"

2. Raj, Birmingham

Product Used: Devoted Creations H.I.M. Energy

Testimonial: "I was sceptical at first, wondering if tan accelerators were just another gimmick. But H.I.M. Energy changed my mind. The scent is refreshing, and the results are undeniable. My tan has never looked better!"

3. Emily, Manchester

Product Used: Devoted Creations Prismatica

Testimonial: "Prismatica is a game-changer. The multi-dimensional tan I achieved with this product is unlike any other. I've received so many compliments, and I can't recommend it enough!"

4. James, Bristol

Product Used: Devoted Creations Moroccan Midnight

Testimonial: "The rich, deep tan I got using Moroccan Midnight made me feel like I'd spent weeks in the sun, even though it was just a few days. Plus, the infusion of Argan oil left my skin feeling soft and nourished."

What These Testimonials Tell Us

Hearing from real users offers invaluable insights:

  • Effectiveness: These testimonials affirm the effectiveness of tan accelerators in enhancing and prolonging a tan.
  • Skin Benefits: Beyond just tanning, many users highlighted the additional skincare benefits, such as hydration and nourishment.
  • Trustworthiness: Real experiences help build trust, assuring potential users of the product's quality and results.

While research and expert opinions are valuable, firsthand experiences offer a unique and personal perspective. These testimonials underscore the potential benefits of tan accelerators and highlight the positive experiences of real users.

The Many Avenues to a Sun-Kissed Glow

From natural sun tanning to sunbeds and self-tanners, there are numerous ways to achieve that coveted bronze hue. Let's explore these methods and understand how tan accelerators can complement them.

1. Natural Sun Tanning

The age-old method of lying under the sun remains popular for many.


  • Achieve a natural, radiant glow.
  • Enjoy the outdoors and relax while tanning.


  • Risk of sunburn and UV damage.
  • Uneven tan if not careful.

How Tan Accelerators Help:

  • Speed up the tanning process, reducing sun exposure time.
  • Ensure a deeper and more even tan.

2. Sunbeds or Tanning Beds

These are artificial methods of tanning where UV lights mimic the sun's rays.


  • Controlled environment, reducing the risk of sunburn.
  • Achieve a tan regardless of the weather or season.


  • Still exposes skin to UV rays, with associated risks.
  • Can be costly over time.

How Tan Accelerators Help:

  • Enhance the effects of the sunbed, achieving a deeper tan in fewer sessions.
  • Many accelerators contain moisturisers, preventing skin dryness from sunbed use.

3. Self-Tanners or Fake Tans

These are lotions or sprays that stain the skin temporarily, giving the appearance of a tan.


  • No exposure to UV rays, making it the safest method.
  • Instant results.


  • Temporary and can wear off unevenly.
  • Risk of streaks or patches if not applied correctly.

How Tan Accelerators Help:

  • While accelerators won't enhance the effects of self-tanners, using them beforehand can ensure smoother, hydrated skin, which can lead to more even application of self-tanners.

4. Gradual Tanning Lotions

These are daily moisturisers with a hint of self-tanner, gradually deepening your tan over time.


  • Subtle and natural-looking results.
  • Combines moisturising and tanning in one step.


  • Takes time to see significant results.
  • Less control over the depth of the tan.

How Tan Accelerators Help:

  • Using an accelerator before applying a gradual tanning lotion can boost melanin production, enhancing the natural tan underneath the gradual tanner.

The tanning world is diverse, with various methods catering to different needs and preferences. Understanding each method's pros and cons allows for informed choices. Tan accelerators, with their unique formulations, can enhance most tanning methods, ensuring optimal results.

Choosing the Right Tanning Method for You

A Personal Journey to the Perfect Tan

Achieving the desired tan is a highly individual process. What works for one might not work for another. Let's explore how to choose the ideal method based on various factors.

1. Skin Type

Your skin type plays a crucial role in determining the best tanning method:

  • Fair Skin: Those with fair skin might burn easily under the sun. A combination of sun protection and tan accelerators can achieve a safe, radiant glow.
  • Olive or Darker Skin: Natural sun tanning can be effective, but always remember to use protection. Tan accelerators can further deepen the tan.

2. Desired Outcome

What you hope to achieve from your tanning session is pivotal:

  • Quick Tan for an Event: A tan accelerator with immediate effects can provide rapid results.
  • Long-Lasting Natural Tan: Regular sun exposure paired with a tan accelerator can yield a prolonged tan.

3. Time and Commitment

How much time you can dedicate to tanning is another factor:

  • Short on Time: Sunbeds or tan accelerators can offer quicker results.
  • Have Time to Spare: Natural sun tanning, paired with tan accelerators, can be a relaxing way to achieve a gradual tan.

4. Health Considerations

Always consider the health implications:

  • Avoiding UV Exposure: If you want to steer clear of UV rays, opt for tan accelerators that work without sun exposure.
  • Sensitive Skin: Choose tan accelerators with natural ingredients, which can soothe the skin.

Spotlight on Megatan's Range

Considering the products from the provided list:

Tanning is not a one-size-fits-all process. By understanding your skin type, desired outcome, and time constraints, you can select the method that's right for you. With Megatan's range, you're sure to find the perfect product to complement your tanning journey.

Tips and Tricks for a Long-Lasting Tan

Maximising Your Tan's Lifespan

Achieving a beautiful tan is one thing; maintaining it is another. Let's delve into ways to ensure your tan stays fresh and radiant for as long as possible.

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

  • Internal Hydration: Drinking plenty of water keeps the skin supple, which can prolong the life of your tan.
  • External Hydration: Regularly moisturising your skin prevents it from becoming dry and flaky, which can cause a tan to fade faster.

2. Gentle Exfoliation

  • While it might seem counterintuitive, gentle exfoliation can help in maintaining an even tan.
  • However, avoid over-exfoliating, as this can strip away your tan.

3. Cold Showers

  • Hot water can dry out your skin, leading to faster tan fading. Opt for lukewarm or cooler showers to maintain your tan's vibrancy.

4. Wear Loose Clothing

  • Tight clothing can cause friction, potentially leading to uneven fading. Where possible, choose looser garments post-tanning.

5. Use Tan Accelerators

  • Products like those offered by Megatan can not only help achieve a deeper tan but also prolong it.
  • Consider Devoted Creations - DC Glow for maintaining that radiant glow.

6. Avoid Excessive Swimming

  • Chlorinated water in swimming pools can cause a tan to fade faster. If you do swim, make sure to shower immediately afterwards and moisturise your skin.

7. Diet Matters

  • Foods rich in beta-carotene (like carrots and sweet potatoes) can help prolong your tan. They impart a warm, golden hue to the skin.

8. Be Cautious with Skin Products

  • Some skin products, especially those containing alcohol or retinoids, can cause the tan to fade faster. Always check the ingredients and be mindful of their effects on your tan.

Maintaining a tan requires a bit of effort and care. By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure your tan remains vibrant and even for a more extended period. With the right care, that sun-kissed glow can be a lasting testament to your tanning efforts.

The Science Behind Tanning

The Sun, Skin, and Melanin: A Complex Relationship

Understanding the science of tanning can help us make informed decisions about our tanning routines and the products we use.

1. The Role of Melanin

  • Melanin is the pigment responsible for the colour of our skin, hair, and eyes.
  • When skin is exposed to UV rays, melanocytes (cells located in the skin's base layer) produce more melanin to protect the skin from UV damage. This process results in a tan.

2. UVA vs. UVB Rays

  • UVA Rays: Penetrate deeper into the skin and are primarily responsible for ageing. They stimulate the melanocytes, leading to a tan.
  • UVB Rays: Affect the skin's surface and are the primary cause of sunburn. They can also stimulate melanin production but at a higher risk.

3. How Do Tan Accelerators Work?

  • Tan accelerators, like the ones available at Megatan, contain ingredients that stimulate melanocytes to produce more melanin even without direct UV exposure.
  • This increased melanin production means that when you do expose your skin to UV rays, it tans faster and deeper.

4. The Importance of Hydration

  • Well-hydrated skin tans more evenly and holds onto a tan for longer. This is because dry, flaky skin can shed, taking the tan with it.

5. The Risks of Overexposure

  • While a tan might be seen as a sign of good health, it's essential to understand that it's also a sign of skin damage.
  • Overexposure to UV rays can lead to premature ageing, sunburn, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. It's crucial to tan responsibly.

6. The Benefits of Tan Accelerators

  • By boosting melanin production, tan accelerators can reduce the time needed under direct UV exposure, thereby potentially reducing the risks associated with prolonged sun exposure.
  • Products like Devoted Creations - DC Glow not only accelerate the tanning process but also provide skincare benefits.

Tanning is more than just achieving that golden hue; it's a complex interaction between our skin and the environment. By understanding the science behind it, we can approach tanning with knowledge and care, ensuring not just a beautiful tan, but also healthier skin.

Reading next

Best Tan Accelerators for Men: Ultimate Guide & Top Products
The Ultimate Guide to Tanning Lotions for Fair Skin

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