The Technology Behind Tanning Beds: A Simple Guide

The Technology Behind Tanning Beds: A Simple Guide

What is a Tanning Bed?

A tanning bed, also known as a Sunbed or an Indoor Tanning device, is a structure like a bed that emits an artificial source of UV rays that mimic the sun's rays to produce a cosmetic tan.

A Tanning Bed is designed to emit radiation, stimulating melanin production in the skin cells, resulting in a darker skin tone.

Modern tanning beds use advanced technology to provide a safe and controlled tanning experience. Indoor tanning devices have tanning lamps that contain UV rays, and depending on the bed, they have a combination of UVA and UVB rays.

A tanning bed can be used alone to tan, but it is recommended to use a tanning lotion designed for sunbeds to speed up the tanning process and keep the skin looking healthy and hydrated.

There is no certainty about how to tan 100% safely in an indoor tanning bed, so risks such as premature ageing and skin cancer should be considered.

How Tanning Beds Work

Tanning beds use Ultraviolet radiation tanning lamps/bulbs to generate UV rays, which are emitted onto the skin.

The UV rays stimulate melanin production in skin cells, resulting in a darker skin tone. The tanning process occurs in the skin's outermost layer, the epidermis.

The amount of UV exposure and the duration of the tanning session determines the level of tan achieved and the user's skin tone.

Types of Tanning Beds

There are different types of tanning beds, and they vary from basic settings to high-tech modern tanning beds. Below are the various kinds of indoor tanning beds:

Horizontal tanning beds: Also known as lay-down tanning beds, these are horizontal beds designed for the user to lie down when tanning. They are the most common type of bed available.

Vertical tanning beds: Also known as stand-up beds, these are designed for standing up and are often used for a quicker, even tan all over. They offer 360-degree tanning to help achieve an evenly golden tan.

Spray tanning booths: These use a spray-on tanning solution to produce a tan without UV exposure. They are a beauty treatment carried out by a beautician who evenly sprays the tan solution onto the body and face.

Safety Features and Precautions

Safety Feature Why It’s Important How to Implement
Eye Protection Prevents UV damage to delicate eyelid skin and reduces the risk of cataracts, uveal melanoma, and blurry vision. Always wear goggles specifically designed for tanning beds. Ensure a snug fit to block all UV rays.
Skin Protection UV rays dry out the skin and can cause premature aging or burns if not protected. Apply a sunbed-specific tanning lotion to hydrate the skin and boost tanning. Avoid regular sunscreen in tanning beds as it may interfere with UV exposure.
Time Limits Limits overexposure to UV radiation, reducing the risk of burns and long-term skin damage. Begin with short sessions (5–10 minutes) and gradually increase duration based on skin tolerance and the salon’s recommendations.
Health Warnings Raises awareness about long-term risks, including skin cancer, premature aging, and DNA damage. Follow all salon guidelines, read warning labels, and consult with a dermatologist if you have skin concerns.
Hydration Maintains healthy skin and prevents drying or peeling caused by UV exposure. Drink plenty of water before and after your session. Use after-tanning moisturizers to replenish hydration.


Due to the risks associated with tanning beds and UV exposure, safety features and precautions are essential to protect all sunbed users. Knowing the risks of tanning and how to tan safely will minimise the risks of skin cancer and any skin damage.

Here is our overview and what we recommend to tan safely and follow any precautions:

Eye protection: Goggles or eye shields are essential to prevent eye damage from UV radiation. Closing the eyes alone will not protect them from UV light. The skin on the eyelid is very delicate, and UV light can go straight through to the eye, causing injury and damage, such as uveal melanoma, cataracts, and blurry vision.

Skin protection: Users should apply a tanning lotion or sunscreen to protect their skin from UV radiation. UV radiation naturally dries out the skin, so using a tanning lotion or sun protection will keep the skin looking healthy and hydrated.

Time limits: Tanning sessions should be limited to prevent overexposure to UV radiation. They should be built up in moderation, starting with minimal minutes to tan safely and prevent burning.

Health warnings: Users should be aware of the health risks associated with indoor tanning, including skin cancers and premature aging.

The Role of UV Rays in Tanning

  • UV rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that stimulates melanin production in skin cells.

  • There are three types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB, and UVC. Tanning beds typically emit UVA and UVB rays.

  • UVA rays- UVA rays are the most common tanning tubes found in a tanning bed. They are less likely to cause sunburn. However, they still need to be 100% safer.

  • UVB rays cause sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancers. They are found in much smaller doses in tanning tubes than in UVA.

  • UV rays can cause skin damage, including sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer.

Tanning Bed Maintenance and Upkeep

To ensure a safe, hygienic, and long-lasting effective performance of a tanning bed, it is essential to keep on top of its upkeep and maintenance.

Keeping on top of this will provide clients with an excellent tanning experience while extending the lifespan of your tanning equipment.

At MEGATAN, we are proud to say we keep on top of our bed maintenance and cleanliness.

Regular cleaning: Tanning beds should be cleaned after each use to prevent the buildup of bacteria and germs. Our staff ensures all beds are cleaned after every use and carries out regular deep cleaning of the tanning beds, cleaning internal areas of the bed to prevent dust buildup.

Lamp replacement: UV lamps should be replaced regularly to ensure optimal performance and safety. When UV lamps have been replaced, clients must reduce their tanning session times to prevent burning.

Maintenance checks: Tanning beds should be inspected regularly to ensure they function correctly and safely. Our emergency stop buttons are also routinely inspected for our client's safety.

Choosing the Right Tanning Bed

Take into consideration the following to ensure you choose the right indoor tanning bed:

  • Consider the type of tan desired: Different tanning beds produce different levels of tan.

  • Consider the skin type: Certain tanning beds are designed for specific skin types, such as sensitive skin.

  • Consider the budget: A sunbed can vary in price, depending on the features and technology used. Modern tanning beds are typically pricier as they have additional features that allow users to personalise their tanning experience.

Regulations and Guidelines for the Indoor Tanning Industry

Indoor tanning regulations and guidelines are put in place to protect people from the risks of a tanning bed and the health risks caused by UV radiation exposure.

  • It is an offence to allow anyone under the age of 18 to use a sunbed.

  • Tanning facilities must follow guidelines, including warning labels and age restrictions. Young adults are the most common users of tanning beds, but the law states that you must be 18 years old to use a sunbed.

  • Some states have banned indoor tanning for minors, while others have implemented stricter regulations.

The Future of Tanning Technology

  • Advances in technology are leading to the development of safer and more effective tanning beds.

  • UV-free tanning beds and spray tanning booths are becoming increasingly popular, especially by young adults.

  • The tanning industry is expected to evolve to meet changing consumer demands and health concerns.


Health risks regarding skin tanning and UV exposure from a tanning bed should be considered before deciding to use tanning equipment.

Follow precautions and guidelines for a healthier tan to keep your skin protected and healthy. This will minimise the risks of skin damage and skin cancer.

Tanning beds use advanced technology to provide a safe and controlled tanning experience.

Understanding the technology of tanning beds can help users make informed decisions about their tanning habits. The indoor tanning industry is evolving to meet changing consumer demands and health concerns.

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