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Top Tanning Tips for Indoor Tanning

Top Tanning Tips for Indoor Tanning
Top Tanning Tips for Indoor Tanning | MegatanOnline


Indoor tanning can be a quick and convenient way to get that perfect bronzed look, but it's important to do it safely and effectively. Whether you're a tanning novice or a seasoned pro, these top tips from MegatanOnline will help you achieve the best results while taking care of your skin. So, let's dive into the golden rules of indoor tanning!

1. Understand Your Skin Type

Before you even step foot in a tanning bed, it's crucial to know your skin type. This will determine how long and how often you should tan. 

2. Prep Your Skin

Preparation is key for an even tan. Exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells, which can cause patchiness. 

3. Use Quality Tanning Lotions

Invest in a high-quality tanning lotion to accelerate and extend the life of your tan. Our Tanning Accelerators not only intensify your tan but also nourishes the skin.

4. Protect Your Eyes

Never underestimate the importance of eye protection. UV rays can be harmful to your eyes, so always wear goggles. 

5. Time It Right

Overexposure can lead to burning and skin damage. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase your time based on your skin type and tanning goals. 

6. Maintain Your Tan

Maintaining your tan is just as important as achieving it. Hydrate your skin with a good moisturizer, you can view good moisturising products here.

7. Stay Hydrated

Hydration isn't just about the skin's surface; make sure to drink plenty of water before and after tanning to keep your skin plump and minimize the risk of dehydration.

8. Take Breaks Between Sessions

Your skin needs time to rest and produce melanin. Taking a break of at least 48 hours between sessions will help prevent over-tanning and skin damage.

9. Know the Medications You're Taking

Some medications can increase skin sensitivity to UV light. Always consult with your doctor or pharmacist before starting an indoor tanning regimen if you're on medication.

Reading next

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Tan Accelerator
Winter Glow: Keeping Your Tan Radiant During Colder Months

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